Special Services
The primary function of the Department of Special Services is to provide Special Education and Related Services to those students who are determined to be eligible, as per New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14. The superintendent and building principals organize and monitor the efforts of the teachers and support staff to assure that each classified student is provided with an appropriate educational program.
The Child Study Team consists of a Learning Disability Teacher/Consultant, Mrs. Joyce Husk, School Psychologist, Mrs. Melissa Kornreich and Mrs. Laura Decker and the School Social Worker, Mrs. Tamara Silva. The Child Study Team is responsible for evaluating students to determine eligibility for special education and related services. Child Study Team members also serve as case managers and are responsible for developing an appropriate Individualized Educational Program (IEP) for individual students.
The Speech/Language Specialists, Mrs. Lacy MacDonald, Mrs. Dana Socci and Mrs. Lynn Sibilia, serve as members of the Child Study Team and conduct speech/language assessments. They also provide speech/language therapy to those students who require these services. The Occupational Therapists for the district are Mrs. Lori Downs and Ms. Kimberly Theobald. The Physical Therapist is Mrs. Gina Zaccaria. Mrs. Suzy Giantonio is the District Behaviorist.
Our teaching staff is committed to addressing the needs of all of our students. Our Special Education teachers, are responsible for the implementation of each student’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP).
In addition to providing services for those students found eligible for special education and related services, the staff offers counseling and assistance to the regular education staff and students as needed and participates on the Intervention and Referral Services Team.