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Buildings & Grounds


Facility Use Request

Application Process and Procedure

Any organization that seeks to use the Board's facilities must provide the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary with a completed application, together with all supporting documents, no later than thirty days prior to the use sought. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications are available at the Board Business office in the Gould Building and a printable version is available below (PDF format).

The Board will make every effort to provide a timely response to each application. Notice will be provided by the Business office following the Board's decision.

The supporting documentation required for each facilities use application shall include:

  1. An Indemnification/Hold Harmless Agreement signed by an officer of the organization authorized to fully bind the organization. The signature of the authorized officer must be notarized.
  2. A copy of the organizations Certificate of Incorporation, By-laws, and documentation verifying IRS code section 501(c)(3) status (if applicable);
  3. Documentation identifying individuals authorized by the Secretary of State to accept service of process and notices on behalf of the organization and an address for such service; and
  4. Certificate of Insurance naming the Board of Education as an additional insured in the minimum amounts set forth: $1,000,000 per occurrence; and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.


Facility Use Application Packet

Integrated Pest Management Plans

Gould School
Gould School Pesticide Notification Letter

Grandview School
Grandview School Pesticide Notification Letter

Use of Pesticides Sheet for Grandview and Gould

Emergency Pesticide Use Notification (10/3/24)

Asbestos Management Plan Notification 

Asbestos Management Plan Notification

Quality Assurance Project Plan/Lead Testing

AGRA Drinking Water Results

Water Quality Assurance Project Plan

Letter regarding lead testing in our schools

Gould School Test Results

Grandview School Test Results

North Caldwell Water Report and Lab Results 2024